WAK Case Study – Covid-19 response impact on vulnerable persons in Kibra

Background WASH Alliance Kenya (WAK), through UNICEF funding and in collaboration with its partners, the MOH, Nairobi county, Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company and communities,  implemented WASH intervention to minimize the transmission of COVID- 19 among the targeted population in informal settlements. Specifically, WAK supported COVID -19 response in selected informal settlements including Kibra, Mathare/…

Community Health Workers play a Key role in ending Covid-19

Kenya’s community health strategy includes a CHW cadre, called community health volunteers (CHVs). The CHV programme began in the early 1970s when community-based health care projects in different parts of the country emerged. Community health workers are an important potential resource for encouraging hygiene behaviour change in high-burden,  low-income communities. They provide essential community health…

Wash First

WASH First is a fifteen months’ project funded by SIMAVI in which WASH Alliance Kenya supports COVID-19 response in two selected informal settlements in Nairobi — Korogocho and Mathare Valley Informal Settlements. Activities Conduct targeted mass awareness creation (use of media, including electronic, print and social media) for behavior change in the community, schools and…

Sanitation For Universal Health Coverage (S4UHC)

This is an eight months’ project (October 2020 – May 2021) funded by UNICEF in which WASH Alliance Kenya is mobilizing communities to construct and use toilets, a shift from Open Defecation (OD) to Open Defecation Free(0DF) through Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS). It is implemented in Marsabit County (Saku and Moyale sub-counties) and Kilifi County…

Covid-19 Emergency Response

This was a four months’ project (May – September 2020) funded by UNICEF in which WASH Alliance Kenya supported COVID-19 response in 4 selected informal settlements namely; Kibera, Mukuru, Githogoro and Mathare/Korogocho. Activities County Government engagement and support of coordination meetings through facilitation during meetings and funding of service delivery (loading and off-loading of supplies).…