National Sanitation Management Policy Stakeholders’ Meeting held at the Grand Royal Swiss Hotel, Kisumu for the Western Region held on 14th June 2021
The Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation is developing the National Sanitation Management Policy. The policy intends to establish an enabling policy framework to ensure universal access to equitable and sustainable safely managed sanitation services across the service chain.
The sanitation management policy will respond to the prevailing sanitation sector governance, management, regulatory, service delivery, investment and financing challenges across the sanitation service chain and address both structural and normative shortcomings that undermine the sector especially in the context of the constitutional obligation under Article 43 (1)(b) and Kenya’s commitment to achieving safely managed sanitation for all by 2030.
The African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC) funded WASH Alliance Kenya to organize meetings for stakeholders from the North Eastern, Eastern and Western Regions Counties to give views on the NSMP. At the end of the consultations, a draft National Sanitation Management Policy will be developed.